Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Stories Bagendit

Stories Bagendit - Cerita Bahasa Inggris

Folk legend in West Java (Indonesia).In ancient times to the north of the city of arrowroot there is a village whose inhabitants are mostly farmers. Because the land in the village is very fertile and is never short of water, the rice fields they always produce abundant rice. But even so, the inhabitants of the village remains poor shortcomings.It was still a bit dark and dew still clung in the foliage, but the residents had rushed to their fields. Today is the day of harvest. They will harvest rice yellowed and sell them to a middleman named Nyai Endit.Nyai Endit is the richest man in the village. Her home is luxurious, very spacious barns rice because to be quite accommodating rice bought from farmers in the village. Yes! All farmers. And involuntary's farmers sell their crops to Nyai Endit.Mereka forced to sell all their crops at a bargain price if you do not want to find the case with guard-watchman nyai Endit errand. Then if their rice supplies run out, they have to buy from nyai Endit with the rising prices."Oh yes fate when we change?" Said one farmer to his friend. "Do not hold me to live like this. Why, well, God does not punish the usurer it? ""Shhh, do kenceng-kenceng atuh, later there were heard!" Replied his friend. "We have to be patient mah! Later will come retaliation in kind for people who love doing injustice to others. Kan mah God never sleeps! "While iru Nyai Endit was checking the rice granary."Barja!" Said the housekeeper Endit. "How? Are all of paddy has been purchased? "Said nyai Endit."Beres Nyi!" Replied the watchman called Barja. "It may be checked granaries Nyi! The barn is full filled rice, even some still we save out because it did not fit anymore. ""Ha ha ha ha…! Soon they will run out of rice and will buy padiku. I'll be getting richer !!! Nice! Keep an eye on the farmers, do not let them sell their produce elsewhere. Give a lesson for anyone who defied! "Said Nyai Endit.Sure enough, a few weeks later the villagers started to run out of food even many who have started to suffer from hunger. While Nyai Endit always partying with luxurious foods in the house."Oh sir, our rice supply is running low. Soon we are forced to buy rice to Nyai Endit. Next door neighbor said the price is now five times higher compared to when we sell first. How ya sir? Yet we also need to buy other purposes. O Lord, give us lightening up the load that we bear. "That grunt villagers on arbitrariness Nyai Endit.One hot afternoon, from the end of the village seems a grandmother who walked bent over. He passed settlements with a look of pity."Hmm, pity the inhabitants of this. They suffered only because of the behavior of a course. It seems this should be immediately terminated, "thought the old woman.He walked over to a resident who was pounding rice."Nyi! My passenger asked, "said the grandmother."Yes nek No what?" Said Nyi Asih being the rice pounding"Where can I find the richest people in the village?" Asked the grandmother"Oh, you mean the house Nyi Endit grandmother?" Said Nyi Asih. "It's close to Grandma. Grandma stayed straight until you find the fork. Then grandma turn left. Later the grandmother will see a very large house. That's his home. Indeed, there needs to be any grandmother at Nyi Endit? ""I want to ask for alms," said the grandmother."Ah useless grandmother asked him, going ga given. If hungry grandma, grandma could eat at my house, but sober, "said Nyi Asih."No need," said the grandmother. "I Just want to know his reaction if there are beggars for alms. O yes, please you tell other people to get ready to flee. Because soon there will be a big flood. ""Grandma kidding?" Said Nyi Asih shocked. "Where there may be flooding in the dry season.""I'm not kidding," said the grandmother. "I was the one who would give lessons to Nyi Endit. Therefore Evacuate immediately, take valuables belong to you, "said the grandmother.After that, the grandmother went meniggalkan Nyi Asih who still dazed.Meanwhile Nyai Endit were enjoying a splendid meal, so too the centengnya. The beggar arrived in front of the house Nyai Endit and directly confronted by the thugs."Hey old beggar! Get out of here! Do not let this dirty porch trampled feet! "Snapped thugs."I want to ask for alms. There may be leftover food that I can eat. For three days I did not eat, "said the grandmother."What do I care," snapped thugs. "Just what I was your father? If you want to buy a meal so do not ask! There, a quick go before I drag! "But the old woman did not budge in his place. "Nyai Endit out! I want to ask for alms. Nyai Endiiiit ...! "Cried the grandmother.Centeng- watchman was trying to drag the grandmother who kept screaming, but to no avail."Who the hell are screaming out," said Nyai Endit. "Disturb people eat it!""Hey…! Who are you old grandmother? Why yelling in front of people's houses? "Snapped Nyai Endit."I Just want to ask for a bit of food because it has been three days I did not eat," said the grandmother."Lah..ga same meal I ask why? There is no! Get out of here! Later many flies kissing your smell, "said Nyai Endit.The grandmother instead of going but instead stuck his stick into the ground and then looked Nyai Endit furiously."Hey Endit ..! During this time God gives rijki plentiful but you're not grateful. You're a miser! While starving villagers are you even wasting food "cried the grandmother fiery. "I came here as an answer to the prayers of people who are miserable because of your doing! Now be prepared to receive your punishment. ""Ha ha ha ... You want to punish me? Not one of ya? You do not see the guard-centengku much! At a stroke it, you'll die, "said Nyai Endit."Do not bother to send me away," said the grandmother. "I will go from here if you can revoke my stick on the ground.""Basic crazy grandmother. How hard nyabut stick. Without any effort I can! "Said Nyai Endit arrogant.Then hup! Nyai Endit tried to pull the stick with one hand. Turns out the stick was not budging. He tried it with both hands. Hup hup! Still not budge too."Damn!" Said Nyai Endit. "Watchman! Unplug stick to it! Beware that until not uprooted. I cut your salary! "Guard-watchman was attempting to remove the stick grandmother, but though it was drawn by three people, stick it remained unmoved."Ha ha ha ... you do not succeed?" Said the old woman. "It turns out that energy will not amount to much. See I would pull this stick. "Brut! With a jerk, the stick has been lifted off the ground. Byuuuuurrr !!!! Suddenly from the former tancapan stick grandmother torrential gush of water."Endit! This is the punishment for you! This water is tears of the people who are miserable because of you. You and all your possessions will be submerged by the water! "Having said this, the old woman suddenly disappeared somewhere. Live Nyai Endit who panicked at the water overflowed profusely. She tried to run to save his property, but the flood more quickly drowned along with his property.In the village has now formed a beautiful little lake. People called it 'Bagendit'. Situ means lake and Bagendit derived from the word Endit. Some people believe that sometimes we can see the leech of the mattress in the bottom of the lake. He said it is the manifestation Nyai Endit were not able to escape from the trap of the flood.(END)

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