Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Origin of the Strait of Bali

Origin of the Strait of Bali - Cerita Bahasa Inggris

Folk legend Bali (Indonesia).In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin benama Sidi Mantra very famous miracle. Sanghyang Widya or Guru rewarded possessions and a beautiful wife. After many years of mating, they got a son who they named Manik Angkeran.Although Manik Angkeran a young and strong and clever, but he has properties that are less good, that like to gamble. He often lost, so he was forced to risk assets of their parents, even in debt to others. Because they can not repay the debt, Manik Angkeran asking for help his father to do something. Sidi Mantra fasting and praying to the gods for help. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hi, Sidi Mantra, in the crater of Mount Agung is no treasure guarded dragon dragon bernarna Besukih. Go there and ask him so he wanted to give a bit of fortune. "Sidi Mantra went to Mount Agung by overcoming all obstacles. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As he rang the bell he chanted and called the name Naga Besukih. Not long then utilized the dragon out. After hearing the purpose of visits Sidi Mantra, Naga Besukih stretched and scales out of gold and diamonds. After thanking, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All the possessions that he gets given to Manik Angkeran in the hope he will not gamble again. Certainly not long after, the treasure was spent on betting. Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father. Of course, Sidi Mantra refused to help anakya.Manik Angkeran heard from friends that the treasure obtained from Gunung Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there she had to spell, but he never learned about prayer and mantra. So, he just brought a bell that was stolen from his father when his father's bed.Having arrived at the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya rang. He is not playing scared when he saw Naga Besukih. After hearing the purpose of visits Manik Naga Angkeran, he said, "I will give treasure as you say, but you must promise to change your behavior. Do not gamble anymore. Remember the law of karma. "Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there arose the evil intentions in his heart. Because you want to get more wealth, and cut off the tail with lightning speed when Naga Naga Besukih Paddle Wheel back to the hive. Manik Angkeran immediately fled and was not overtaken by the Dragon. But because the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burned to ashes during the dragon licked his footsteps.Hearing his son's death, heartbreak Sidi Mantra unspeakable. Soon he visited Naga Besukih and ask that her son be revived. Dragon tail menyanggupinya origin can go back to normal. With his power, Sidi Mantra can restore the Dragon's tail. After Manik Angkeran turned on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra know that his son had repented but he also understood that they can no longer live together."You have to start a new life but not here," he said. In the blink of an eye he was gone. Where he stood arise a water source that is increasingly large so that it becomes the ocean. With the wand, Sidi Mantra drawing lines mernisahkan him with his son. Now place it into the Bali strait separating Java and Bali islands.(END)

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